UX Audit of a sustainable timber manufacturer website

An interesting Expert Review of an existing website to help identifying pain points, improvement opportunities and to broaden the overall inclusivity of the business.

My role

UX specialist

The challenge

A web structure with limitation to keep in consideration with a tight timeframe to carry out an audit.

The objectives

To produce an effective, actionable and simple report, empowering the client with valuable tools to improve the brand perception, the user experience of their website and their overal presence in the market.

First, a good look at the competition.

To identify the correct set of evaluation criteria, aligned with business objectives, technical limitations and user needs, I started with looking at the main competitors of the client, as indicated by the client themselves and by some market research.

This piece of work gave me the opportunity to learn about the industry, as well as to observe patterns to compare the evaluation against.

Laying the groundwork for a meticulous analysis.

It was now time to scan and annotate the website’s facets to discern its strengths, weaknesses, and areas that could be imrproved. I focused on pinpointing opportunities for enhancement, including accessibility issues, and crafting effective content strategies. This initial phase has set the stage for a strategic and user-centric approach, not only addressing existing issues but also helping to optimise the digital experience for the site’s visitors.

Building a solid baseline.

I then proceeded to identify, with the help of the client, the target audence, creating simple proto-personas that I then used, along selected heuristics, business goals and  UX design principles, as a baseline for the audit report.

A simple and effective executive summary.

Being able to refer back to website users, heuristics, Ddsign principles and business goals, with the addition of accessibility guidelines, was fundamental to be able to offer clear, actionable and helpful recommendations. I divided the findings and recommendations in 3 degrees of severity – low, medium and high – so that the client could prioritise and plan phases of intervention.

Once actioned, I received extremely positive feedback on how clear and helpful this piece of work was for the business.

the list of eleemtns composing the audit report structure: criteria on which recommendations were based are heuristics, website users, design principles and business goals